Sunday, November 9, 2014

Reflections of Henry Demonford

Reflections of Henry Demonford
Nov. 9, 2014
Devious Secret Agent Wakes from a Dream of St. Augustine

“I am beginning to realize,” reflects Henry Demonford, as he nervously adjusts the IV needle in his vein, “that what has been going on through all of this century – we thought we had killed the Cave Bear. But this Cave Bear has survived, feeding on the same trash that we left when we were committing our genocides. In fact, since God is the totalization of everything that we have killed, the Cave Bear gets bigger and more threatening with every act of colonialist exploitation the nation commits. That is why, in spite of all of our efforts to torture him into submission, the Cave Bear keeps coming out of the Third-World forests, to chew on our civilized conscience.”

Grizzly Bear
I had not intended to go the way of the Cave Bear. It had been my belief that I lived on a better continent, under a happier sky.
Henry Demonford:
      “Why is it that it is only ourselves, the Old Soldiers who have not been able to keep any of the Commandments, who are able to see through the web of lies and deception that is woven by the Social Neurosis? Indeed, it is only now, now that I am finding myself almost at the end of this life, that I am beginning to understand, that God is actually the immense burden of obligation we have taken on, as a result of the things we have killed.i
      “It is only now, now that I wake up struggling to adjust to the effects of chemotherapy, that I am beginning to appreciate the sickness of the world, and see why it is so distressing. The world is sick, but it is only a few of us who have been shocked deeply enough to realize just how sick it is.
      “We, who have been thrown into confusion, have been sick with the sickness of the world. We have been right there for the money when the demons insisted on signing their contracts in blood. The fact that we have become post-traumatic implies that we do have a choice. The reason we are post-traumatic is that the demons really are tearing us apart, because they sense that we are reneging on those Satanic contracts by which we had been bound.

       Why is if that if is only we, the old soldiers who have managed to keep none of the commandments, who can see through the web of deception the social neurosis weaves? Can if be, one sees the design of the devil only after one has turned back oneself from a road that is leading to Satanhood?
      “This is why the choice between Heaven and Hell belongs to those of us who find that we are being torn apart by the Cave Bear. When we realize that, through our struggles with this Cave Bear, we have actually died and come back, we discover also, that when we had been immersed in the imperialistic machinations into which our societies had thrust us, we had been on the road to Satanhood.
      We then came to recognize, that if we valued the soul that we had been taught to cherish above all things, that we would need to turn back. What I am now also beginning to perceive, is that one can only perceive the design of the Devil, after one has become enmeshed within it. Those who have never made deals with the Devil are usually naive, and do not recognize the snake who is moving beneath the rustling leaves. They can continue to be innocent, because their souls have never been in danger. We, on the other hand, who are threatened by powers of demons if we should ever repent – we are the ones who have the power to change the world, but only if we learn to love our souls more than we love our own flesh.
      “But we can do this, because we have always been fighters. This is not the first time we have been threatened by creatures whose intent has been to tear us apart. The only difference is that now, if we are fighting for the preservation of our souls, we can feel resigned to the fact that our bodies are expendable.
      “This is the realization that caused Sir Lancelot to fall from his high horse, and this is the reason why you see so many old warriors begging by the side of the road.”
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