Tuesday, July 27, 1993

The Brutal Birth of New Mexico

Alien Abduction
July 27, 1993
The burning of Zozobra, in the field outside the old Spanish fort that now is surrounded by modern Santa Fe, is still more than a month away. But certain events are conspiring to give us a feeling, the ceremony this year may not be entirely innocent.
We are told that this ceremony was first held in the Year of Our Lord 1712, by proclamation of the Spanish Marquis de Penuela, to celebrate a sort of “marriage” which had gone through a period of estrangement.
What the tour books fail to tell us, is that the marriage was a forced one. With help from her relatives and in-laws, the violated bride made a strong stand against the violent ways of her self-proclaimed husband, until economics and harassment by her self-seeking former allies forced the poor girl into a rather abject capitulation. Almost 300 years later she can still show you the scars that she got from her whipping that night.
About 148 years ago, the United States Congress decided to take it’s turn being the Whipper, and tied Mexico to a pole. Recognizing the need to fall in step and dance along to the Desperation Samba, the Mexican inhabitants of Old Santa Fe let General Kearny and his Army of the West take control.
After that came a little argument over who was going to chastise who, that commonly is called the Civil War. After the Southern White Man had to take off his shirt and get his dirty flogging, all sorts of desperadoes began to creep in from Dodge. This only aggravated the Apaches, who brought in Pancho Villa to play his version of the Desperation Samba in several New Mexican small towns.
World War I and the Model T Ford put an end to all of that. After World War I, everything became ruled by the assembly-line ethic – including the desperadoes. Hanging out on the street corners with a 6-gun became a sign that one had sold out to become a B-Grade actor.
The men who came home from witnessing the horror of Armageddon, began to get the idea that modern civilization was getting just a little bit too tame. Nostalgia opened the floodgates, and the cult of the old frontier came into vogue. Of course, the new wars between Cowboys and Indians would all be on film, and no one would shoot real bullets.
A World War I veteran with tuberculosis and mustard gas scars in his lungs came out to the West for his health. While he had been fighting in France, this William Howard Shuster, Jr., had cherished the desire to be an artist. He became successful in that field, but ended up being known chiefly for the creation and the burning of Zozobra.
Will Schuster burned his first Zozobra during an overgrown garden party in the summer of 1924. Apparently, this Zozobra was a secularized version of the Judas efigy the Yaqui Indians parade about on a donkey, before they burn him and blow up the firecrackers which have been sewn into his papier-mache body.
In other words, Old Man Gloom, the Snake-eyes throw of the dice, the Capsized Galleon, is the return to this world of an ancient Mexican God. The one the Yaqui Indians call Judas, may be in fact, none other than the Eater-of-Hearts who used to call the shots of Realpolitik from the steps of the old Aztec pyramids.
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It’s a good old Kiwanis Club burning, that is already beginning to give its local color to the myth of the Santa-Fe Sasquatch, who has otherwise been known as the Jersey Devil.
One year, the Zozobra monster had to be anesthetized with 66 gallons of ether, so that he could be delivered to the proper place for his burning. But this year, it seems that Zozobra has been delivered to the wrong Ft. Marcy.
His head is lying, more or less lined up with the mouth of one of the canons which were set there to defend the United States Capitol in Washington DC. We might not think it too strange to see an Arkansas lawyer lying dead in front of a Civil War canon – except for a small time discrepancy of 130 years.
There also are certain other discontinuities, which suggest that we are on the boundary of a space-time singularity. None of the established news agencies, not even the paranoid bloggers, are able to explain how Vincent Foster exited the White House on the afternoon of July 20, without the event being registered by even one of several security and monitoring systems that have been installed to protect the President of the United States.

Falls one star deep abased
From Heaven where she scintellates.
This is the Star of Love,
To whom my heart capitulates. (Heine)

The star falls into an autumn lake. Within that lake, a swan swims to and fro. Tomorrow that swan shall be dead. Late autumn leaves shall swirl upon the icy waters that do not remember.

Back in Arkansas, Vince Foster got the reputation of being one of America’s best lawyers. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been able to balance the books. The problem which has kept Mr Clinton’s Blind Trust in limbo, 6 months now after the deadline, has to do with a contribution to the Clinton campaign by a spook who was most likely an agent of the Starlords.
Domestic violence advocates will remind us, that the most dangerous moment in an abusive relationship is the moment when the victim tries to leave. But leave what? What is the price of initiation into the Cult of Power? And what if someone could not go any further with the President, because he was unwilling to keep quiet about the human sacrifices which were being committed, just so the old Mexican God our museums call Tezcatlipoca could keep the mirror dark and smoking, and the retail operation in control?
Now if we go back to Arkansas, we shall find that there was a time when Tezcatlipoca called himself The Vulture. This Vulture walked the Mississippi valley, so that he could accept the tithes and offerings and human sacrifices of the priests of a religion anthropologists now call The Southern Death Cult. Of course as we know, the whole rationale for human sacrifices is the notion that we’ve got to give up something to the Aliens, in return for the privilege of being left alone.i

When journalists began gathering evidence that Tezcatlipoca’s nephew was using the War on Drugs to develop his own retail outlets for guns and drugs, the CIA responded a la Louis Napoleon. Threaten the liberals with lawsuits which cannot be won, since all the evidence is classified. But what about the government of Colombia, which is making the same accusations?

Here ruining people is considered sport.”
Those ripped up fragments of paper may be a suicide note – and then again, they might not be. Isn’t there a disturbing similarity between the itemized list of apologies and denials, and the somewhat disconnected answers that might have been given in response to a military interrogator? But if so, who was the interrogator?
Who else, save the Left-Handed Hummingbird, makes us rip out each other’s hearts and poison the lives of those we hold most dear?

Here ruining people is considered sport.” Printed in extra-bold type, Vincent Foster’s bitter cry might well serve as the leitmotif of the decade of the 1990's.
Vincent Foster’s last recorded moments involved the inauguration of the new FBI director, Louis Freesh. Evidently, Huitzilopochtli himself came down from his secret pyramid, to demand that this occasion be consecrated by the human sacrifice of a tanist. The aliens who enforce our service to Huitzilopochtli teleported Mr. Foster to what they thought was the proper Ft. Marcy. That’s why he was found just in front of a canon, with a 38-calibre bullet in his head, but no significant bloodstains on the right-hand cuff of his shirt.1
1This happened July 20. His last known wherabouts was at the innauguation of the new FBI director Louis Freesh. He checked in with White House security, but is not recorded to have ever checked out. Clinton’s “Blind Trust,” on which Foster was working was 6 months late, probably because Foster was unwilling to sign his name to fraudulent declarations intended to launder significant contributions to Clinton campaign from the CIA’s gun & drug retail outlet.
              Like Vince Foster, the movement which was seeking to bring everyone some kind of affordable health coverage got tangled in red tape and abused by interests who were intent on destroying other peoples lives, until their own vests are lined with silver and their pockets are filled with gold.

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