Friday, April 25, 1997

Requiem For Faust

Requiem for Faust (Bi1)
April 25, 1997
Hello out there on Paranoid Alien Radio. Today, we shall find ourselves examining a different wormhole.
This wormhole is the result of the collision of two different galaxies, both rotating about slightly different space-time continuum gravitars, which in systems theory could be translated as system principles.
As we enter into this wormhole, the light of falling bombs illumines the clouds with newsreel footlights.
Act I
We are looking at the Revolutionary Stage of the Epic Theater. The orange curtain is branded with the emblem of the IWW Bad Kitty. The curtain now opens, and all of the romantic poets of the 1820's and 1830's converge to proclaim that they are the Unacknowledged Legislators of the World.
These Unacknowledged Legislators are joined by the Sans-Culottes Ladies. Arm in arm, they dance in a rosary ring about the stage.

Then Faust appears, amid a blast of smoke pellets augumented by sizzlingdry ice. As he strides downstage to the center, he is followed by an obedient black poodle dog.

Faust sings an aria, loudly proclaiming that these artsy-crafty teenagers are much too wild, and that the world must be made safe for the culturally insensitive average citizen.

The Morality of the Majority
The tigers and wolves are falling in love
With the morality of the majority.
It is to their advantage
If the tigers and wolves
Appear to be very pious
But in truth they should not be so.

Curtain; end of Act I
When the curtain opens for the next act, a coffin dominates the downstagecenter. In it, we can see the corpse of Faust’s dead teenage girlfriend. The rumorsare going around, that she was pregnant at the time of her “accident.”

Act II Scene 2

Now, in the light of a new round of bombs, a headline bursts forth in the clouds.

The World At War
Everything below is rather smokey; it seems that civilization is beingdestroyed. The calendar counts off five years. At last, the bombs stop, but it takesanother year before the smoke clears.

It is now 1946. Faust has just committed suicide, because he does not want
to face the Nuremburg Tribunal.

Until the day he was captured, Faust believed that he would be remembered as the supervisor of an ambitious program of public works. Instead, he now shall be remembered for the role that he played in the course of his wartime duties atthe Buchenwald Extermination Camp.

     The curtain closes on the Second Act. When it opens once again, we see Faust driving a bulldozer through Hell. Up there in the balcony wings, we see Margaret lounging in the clouds, sharing tea and crumpets with Anne Frank, and2 or 3 other angels, who also got dispatched to Heaven through acts of treacheryand violence.
    We hear in the background a chorus singing: “How long, my Lord,how long?”
     So what about Mephistophiles? The Last Act must remain unfinished,because the time has not yet come for Mephistophiles to get his tail bobbed.
     Love has not yet been redeemed. Faust shall continue to harrow Hell, until the kibbutzes of Zion have brought forth the fruit of democratic movement which shall transform the tyrannical traditions of the whole Middle East.
     A culture is beginning to be born, and the space-time- transcending gravitar of this culture derives from the need of the survivors to witness some sign of redemptionon the ground of the Holocaust.
     The last act must remain unfinished, because, even though the war is over,there is not much that is green and growing beneath the chimneys where victimswere sacrificed to Moloch. Perhaps the only hope lies in the encoded memoirs ofcertain of the old comrades of the Resistance.
     Because the story is still uncompleted, we see so many men and women who meet and kiss, but cannot sustain their love.

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