Victims of the Corsican Method
June 26, 2008
Of course, as we have always understood, the Last Judgement is little more than a fairy tale. The way that the preachers depict it, it hardly could be interpreted as anything else.
But we were never promised sound effects and panoramic light shows. What we were promised was that Justice would be made manifest, and that as the Abusers were made to atone for the disorders they had created, the Earth would be renewed.
Cosmic Initiation
There is one more detail Michelangelo left out of the picture. As far as we can look back into history, the Rational Soul of the Earth has been immature. We really are only beginning to take any interest in looking beyond ourselves. The morality tales recounted in our old religious texts are childish, because the people to whom they first told were in a childish state.
But no matter how tenaciously we try to hold on to our childhood, the time must come, when we must put aside our childish me-first-ism so that we can become citizens within a functional republic.
Perhaps the same is true for the inhabitants of planets. Reason informs us that many other planets in the universe must have developed intelligent life. In the past this has been obscured by the fact that space and time bend around a gravitational object the size of a solar system, in such a way that all animal life is effectively fenced in.
An age must come when the rational souls inhabiting a primitive planet must go beyond being fenced in by our animal consciousness. As we come to accept that Humanity is an Intelligence, we also must come to accept that there are other Intelligences out there, with whom we shall need to learn how to reason. This does not mean that interstellar commerce shall commence at any time soon. The Collective Intelligence of this Star of Suffering is only beginning to study the laws of civics that can only be taught through participation in republican government. Because we have been tardy in learning these lessons, we are spiritually sick and in quarantine.
The Downgoing of Western Civilization
A State of Collective Sin.
We are all part of the plot.
The downgoing of a civilization is part of an inevitable cycle. At this juncture Faith, if she is to lead humanity forth from the point at which the latest version of Babylon has dumped her, must rigorously examine all of the core assumptions of the old system.
The fundamental characteristic which has been observed in all of the Babylons which have dominated the ages of Ares and Pisces, is that they have dismembered humanity. The Babylonian Order is based on the Corsican Method of classifying mankind and then discriminating according to these classes. So long as mankind is driven by leaders who follow the Corsican Method, it shall be only the few who dare everything for spiritual vision, who can afford to develop empathy for the whole of Humanity.
Quarantined, on the Star of Suffering
The Native healer will warn you about the spiritual disease which prevails on this Star of Suffering. On the one hand we have ascetics in the caves, who are trying to numb themselves by shocking their physical bodies through various privations. Their rather ineffectual piety is balanced by the ruthlessness of a class of spoiled tyrants. Once in awhile, the ascetics are able to needle the tyrants into rising from their slumber of depravity, to accomplish moments of greatness.
These Spoiled Tyrants usually take credit for the technical accomplishments of their particular Babylon, but this is outright intellectual theft. The progress in arts and sciences which is made possible in the pre-Classical days of a Babylon, is due to both the labors and the reflections of a class of skilled workmen.
All this is well and good, so long as the elite retain their ability to act as though they were Gods. Unfortunately, when they find that they must make themselves accountable to a Republic, they begin to challenge the philosophies of the guilds, by imposing time-factored demands for production that reward one-upmanship and punish the natural tendency of workers toward collaboration. It is in this way that labor and technical expertise are divided from philosophy. In partial compensation for the philosophy from which they have been alienated, these laborers and technical experts are given religions which praise them for bearing the heavy yoke of compensating for the sins of their aristocratic masters.
All of this classification results in a colossus which would be crippled if it were not sustained by two “inferior” classes: those who must labor in the fields, and those who must labor in the bedroom so that the masters may take pleasure, and the master-race may be sustained. These are the two legs on which Babylon walks – what Arnold Toynbee once referred to as the “External” and “Internal” Proletariats.
Eventually, both the women and the undocumented aliens begin to get wise to the swindle. They know that their tears are not felt by the Masters of Babylon, because the Master-Race does not believe that either women or barbarians have souls. So, just to prove that they do have souls, the women and the barbarians begin to conspire to bring back the God or Goddess of Justice from the World of Inferior Things.
“How Long My Lord, How Long?” the women in the catacombs begin singing. The sky responds with lightning which threatens the Emperor of the Celestial Kingdom, as the External Proletariat responds in refrain from the fields:
“Paint your door and take refuge in Zion!”
Imprisoned In Broca's Brain
This division of the body politic was mirrored in the virtual division of the body. The philosophy of Babylon valued the head as gold and the heart as silver. The flesh of the rest of the body was considered to have been cast from baser metals. It was only after a man had extinguished all of his carnal feelings, that he could dare to contemplate The One, where every little consciousness is rooted in the Atman.
Paradoxically, this over-valuation of “The Head” locked consciousness up in one particular part of the brain – Broca’s Brain, the site of our neurolinguistic processing. This led men to ignoring the essential importance of the Central Processing Unit – the Hippocampus, which has the power to make decisions by shifting between different frequencies of input. Thus the significance of Socratic philosophy, which reminds us that we must develop a guardian-mind that is capable of making uncomfortable ethical decisions, if we are to have the kind of thought that can keep a republic alive.
So long as we divide mankind into categories of citizens, slaves, and enemies, the ghosts of those victims whom our social enterprises have killed shall not have access to the ivory tower where Conscience, beautiful but chained, languishes as she waits for the next rape. It is her shame, but some of those rapes have caused her to give birth to the monstrous creatures who threaten the travelers and peasants on the plains down below.
We can ask where Love has gone, but until we listen to the complaints of Conscience, we shall never know. Just what has happened to the children of the single mother who had to go on welfare, because her business was shut down for legal technicalities? These children also ask where love has gone, and no one gives them any satisfactory answer.
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