Friday, September 29, 2017

The Throne of Cesare Borgia

The Throne of Cesare Borgia

The Blood that Lives on in the Soil

Sept 29, 2017
On the hurricane-lashed hillsides of Puerto Rico, the blood oozes up from the soil.
    It is blood that has been there a long time. It is blood that remembers the extortions of Columbus and the rascally company that was waiting for him to return from these Caribbean islands with gold to reward their investments. It is blood that remembers how Native peoples were admonished to turn from the Native faith than had made them so gentle, and compelled to deliver their prayers to an icon which claimed to be an image of Jesus the Christ, but which was actually a portrait of Cesare Borgia.
    It is in the nature of the blood that is seeping from the inundated hillsides to urge the Puerto Rican people to want to build again. Ever since the landing of the Philistine pirates under the command of Christopher Columbus, Puerto Rico has become overly acquainted with recurrent catastrophes. But the blood that is seeping shall also ensure that what is rebuilt shall be different from everything that has gone before.

A Carnival Hosted by Demons

     For one thing, ever since the day when the Dominicans arrived with Columbus, the throne of Cesare Borgia has been a heavy weight upon the soul of Puerto Rico. The Throne of Cruelty arrived in Puerto Rico with the second voyage of  Columbus. From that moment on, the fortunes of the Native Taino people descended into a flume of genocidal catastrophe.
      Heroic warriors bought their people a little time – but Comandante Ponce de Leon was as ruthless as the pounce of the lion for which he had been named.
      The propensity of Juan Ponce de Leon and his underlings for cutting off peoples’ hands, demonstrates that they were the descendants in spirit, if not in the actual flesh, of the notorious Umayyads. In fact, Juan Ponce de Leon was a Crude Oil Brother. In his time, since men had not yet discovered how to extract blood from the earth, and since in consequence they had no Crude Oil with which to perform their pollutions, they had to burn living human beings instead.
      It should therefore come as no surprise that, after they had killed all the men and raped all the women on the island, these Crude Oil Brothers should cause the scene of their crimes, this island which we now call Puerto Rico to become the center of the Most Catholic Inquisition in the Western Hemisphere.
      Even after their abominations had brought the nation of Spain down to the most abject humiliation, the Crude Oil Brothers persisted in blazing trails through the most tangled thickets of injustice. In order to understand how they were able to get away with this, it is necessary to understand a very Satanic doctrine which was conjured up by the same series of Anti-Popes whose perversion of religious principles drove Martin Luther to declare a revolution against the Catholic Order. It is a most curious thing that even though the Protestant nations repudiated almost every other sophistry of the papists, this Satanic Doctrine of Discovery not only survived the Protestant Reformation, but was destined to become the foundation upon which American real estate law erected its superstructure.
      It really should be called, The Doctrine of Satanic Possession.


A Series of Anti-Popes, and their Doctrine of Discovery

The sorrows of Puerto Rico may be ultimately traced to that same Council of Constance which consecrated its proceedings by sacrificing Jan Huss to Moloch. Although many of the succeeding Popes (or Anti-popes, as they should rightly be called) distinguished themselves through their encouragement of humanistic learning and art, their primary devotion was neither to art nor towards God, but rather to the principle of political expediency.
     During the late 14th Century there arose a rather lively concern about who was the actual Pope. Left to itself, this diversification might have allowed the movements which later asserted themselves as Protestant Revolt to evolve in a more peaceful manner. This was, however, inconvenient to the custodians of what called itself a Christianized Roman Empire. To the electors of Rome on the Rhine, the Emperor and the Ponitfax Maximus should be, as it had been in Caesar’s time, two heads of the same bird.
     Therefore the great Prince Sigismund called forth the Council of Constance – but there was a worldliness lurking in the hearts of the prelates that invited the Great Demons of Hell to also contribute their input to the general deliberations. It was at the bidding of these demons from those depths in which Crude Oil is brewed, that the man who should have been elected Pope was turned over to the secular authorities – with the holy advice, of course, that he should be burned at the stake.
     On a summer day in 1415 Jan Hus was sacrificed, and the Great Moloch was pleased. We know not how conscious the next line of Popes were of the nature and the origin of the Spirit which had been thus invoked, and which was now leading the church. Suffice to say that the Cardinals had become so spiritually numb that their nostrils were not offended by odors of flesh that was rotting or burning.
    The texts of their contracts with Satan may be found in a series of Papal Bulls which were delivered between 1436 and 1493, which, when taken together, codify what has become known as the “Doctrine of Discovery.” Basically, this insidious doctrine allowed any explorer who “discovered” a land outside of Christendom to claim that land in the name of the Christian nation which had sponsored him. Not only that, but any Christian agent operating in any non-Christian territory had the Pope’s permission to capture the Natives and sell them as slaves in the markets of any Christian principality


An Alliance of Dispossessed Souls 

     According to this Doctrine of Discovery, the Caribbean Natives did not have the right to possess their own soil, essentially because their fathers had not paid tithes to the Catholic Church. The effort was made to convert them but, because the settling of the Western Hemisphere was seen as primarily a means of raising the wealth that would be needed to prosecute another Crusade against the Turks, most of the Natives of Hispaniola, Cuba, and Puerto Rico died as a result of the disorder that set in after too many hands had been cut off as a penalty for failing to meet production quotas.
     Incidentally, the fact that a map in the possession of the Turkish admiral Peri Riis incorporated all of the recent discoveries of Spanish and Portugese explorers, demonstrates that the Grand Sufi enthroned on the Sublime Porte was sufficiently aware of the intentions of the Christian Brotherhoods that he had taken care to place spies in the Vatican.
     After the genocide of the Natives, black slaves kidnapped from “pagan” African villages were brought in to perform the backbreaking labors of cultivating and harvesting the plantations. Since the souls of these Blacks were traumatically disoriented and the Native souls had no bodies, a curious bond formed between them, which is commemorated in the rituals of a distribution of earth-religions the various expressions of which are called Voodoo, Lucumba, Santeria, or Santa Maria.
     There also is circumstantial evidence that Conversos who had been ordered to preach to the Natives as an alternative to being burned at the stake, sprinkled elements of Safardic consciousness into this emergent world-view.

Illustration: "Morning after Hurricane Maria" from By Roosevelt Skerrit [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Oval insert of Cesare Borgia from

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